22 May 2023
The technical, digital, knowledgeable person who continues to improve, is the most conscious person in keeping pace with all the knowledge based developments that feed the Internet.
22 May 2023
Believe you can and you are halfway there..
22 May 2023
I have taken upon myself responsibility for advocating for the development of the policies surrounding knowledge and the digital economy, much faster than it is happening at present. This is so that our national income might reach 200 billion by 2050. One day, you will remember that I was right when I initiated these studies and action.
22 May 2023
You may live in beautiful dreams instead of living in fear..
22 May 2023
Everything that the mind can conceive is possible..
22 May 2023
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value..
22 May 2023
We need a revolution and an awareness of invention and creativity. This is only possible under a system of intellectual property protection..
22 May 2023