Under the Patronage of the League of Arab States and the Presidency of Abu-Ghazaleh "AROQAE'S 4th Annual Conference Opens in Cairo"

04 Sep 2012

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh commended the role of Egypt urging the participants at the Conference to adopt Cairo Declaration to improve quality of education in the Arab states

CAIRO-----September 4, 2012------ Under the patronage of the League of Arab States Secretary General Dr. Nabil El Arabi and the presidency of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh the 4th annual Conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQAE) was inaugurated at the Smart Village, Cairo.

The Conference was organized in cooperation with the League of Arab States /Social Affairs Sector - Education and Scientific Research, National Quality and accreditation agencies in the Arab region, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and the Association of Arab Universities.

HE Dr. Laila Negm, representative of the League of Arab States Secretary-General, and the League’s Delegated Minister, inaugurated the meeting with a speech commending the efforts of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh to improve the education in the Arab world and confirming the League's support to AROQAE.

She underlined the plan of developing education in the Arab world which the League approved in Damascus Summit and gave it high priority to the education quality assurance.

Deputizing for HE Dr. Mustapha Musa’d, Minister of the Higher Education in Egypt, Dr. Fawzi Al-Turki delivered the speech of His Excellency in the opening session where he pointed out Egypt’s efforts in the field of quality assurance. He also expressed his support to AROQAE efforts and appreciated the role of AROQAE president Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh. Dr. Al-Turki called for more cooperation between the Arab quality centers and councils.

AROQAE Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities Dr. Sultan Abu-Orabi delivered a speech in the opening session where he addressed the education status in the Arab world and the Association’s efforts in establishing and developing a quality council in the Association, emphasizing the Association’s pride of its partnership with AROQAE and its appreciation to its efforts and the efforts of its president Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh as well.

At the conclusion of the opening session, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the League which contributed from the beginning to the development of AROQAE thanks to the directives of its Secretary-General and his advisor Dr. Faeqa Al Saleh. He also expressed his pride of the partnership with the Association of Arab Universities and its Secretary-General Dr. Sultan Abu-Orabi.

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh commended the role of Egypt urging the participants at the Conference to adopt Cairo Declaration to improve quality of education in the Arab states, publish an Arab magazine on quality in education, and improve information technology in education.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called for moving from concept of “Education” to “Learning”.

In response to the participants, Abu-Ghazaleh suggested the establishment of an advisory council with experts and representatives of Arab quality centers and councils. He also thanked Dr. Salem Al-Agtash, Executive Director of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education for his effective efforts, and thanked the experts for their attendance.

In other sessions, several topics related to quality in education were discussed by Arab and foreign experts.
It is expected to announce the Cairo Declaration at the end of the conference.