Tanmia Accredited as Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge IT Skills Center

03 May 2009

SHARJAH --- May 3, 2009 --- The National Human Resource Development and Employment Authority (Tanmia) Director General, Ms. Faddah Lootah, has recently signed the accreditation application according to which, the Tanmia will be the first authority accredited in the United Arab Emirates to be a training and examination center for the Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge Information Technology Skills Certificate.

Ms. Lootah highly commended the cooperation with the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and expressed her hope that the framework of cooperation will include all the services within their fields of interest.

Tanmia provides quality services in areas related to training, career guidance and employment of national human resources to create a productive workforce capable of contributing to a competition- and skill-based national economy.