UTAG to Establish Cooperation with Global Educational Organizations, Introduces Six Programs

06 Mar 2012
AMMAN --- March 6, 2012 ---- The task force for the establishment and launch of the University of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh (UTAG) held its second meeting at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business.

The 40-expert team in education, e-solutions and training developed a list of international organizations, academic institutions, education and quality centers worldwide as a mechanism to establish and sign cooperation agreements with them covering all programs offered by UTAG. 

During the meeting, six key programs were mainly underlined including the Academic, Professional, Continued Education, Languages, and Professional Qualification in addition to Creative Education.

Moreover, the task force was briefed on the latest procedures on the commencement of education at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business University in Bahrain as all the requirements for its establishment have been finalized and work is currently under process between the University and the Bahraini Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training to accredit the University programs.

Meanwhile, UTAG will offer variety of education programs virtually and on a blended setup mainly in Business, IT, Management, Islamic Financing with a special focus on languages among others. The programs include academic degrees, professional certificates and language diplomas. 

This is the first business model of a corporate virtual university with no limits and nonstop innovation with special programs designed to fulfill every individual's needs in business, management, information technology and languages. The University will cover every corner in the world with easy and secure registration, comfortable online settings and professional staff, gifted scholars, thought-leaders and professors who are leaders in their field.

UTAG will virtually operate through Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Oversees Corporation’s (TAGOCorp) own e-cloud and on the ground when necessary, through academic partnerships with pioneering universities and institutes all through the Organization’s 70 offices, centers and correspondents to cover the areas of Asia, Africa, South America and East Europe.