ASCA –Jordan Administrative Assembly Convenes
26 Mar 2009 The Society has been granted the necessary licensing requirements to translate and publish a number of booklets and publications - JaouniAMMAN --- March 26, 2009 --- The Administrative Assembly of the Arab Society for Certified Accountants (ASCA) - Jordan has recently convened to discuss the new professional publications.
“The Society has been granted the necessary licensing requirements to translate and publish a number of booklets and publications,” Mr. Omar Jaouni, ASCA manager said.
A number of international publications have been already translated and published by ASCA-Jordan such as the “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) 2008”, “IFAC Handbook of International Auditing, Assurance, And Ethics Pronouncements 2008”, “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) - Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook (Wiley) 2008”, and “IFAC Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Standards 2008”.
“ASCA-Jordan has, for the second time, translated all the terminologies related to the International Financial Reporting Standards Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook for the year 2008 in various global languages in order to post them on the International Accounting Standards Board website,” Mr. Jaouni added.
In the meeting, the financial statement auditing report has been endorsed by the Assembly members; in addition, they endorsed the fiscal budget for January 1, 2008 – December 31, 2008 they endorsed the 2009 fiscal budget.
At the end of the meeting, the Assembly approved a recommendation to elect new members to the 2009-2010 Administrative Assembly who have the necessary membership qualifications in order to achieve ASCA-Jordan’s objectives.