Melhem Assigned Auditing Lecturer at Al-Quds University
16 Mar 2009 This step aims at enhancing the academic aspect of graduates and to bridge the gap between academic education and the applied aspectRAMALLAH --- March 16, 2009 --- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) Ramallah office Executive Director Jamal Melhem has been assigned to be a lecturer for auditing courses mainly for accounting students at the Al-Quds University in Ramallah, starting from the current academic term.

This step aims at enhancing the academic aspect of graduates and to bridge the gap between academic education and the applied aspect. It also emphasizes the organization’s philosophy, history and experience in accounting and auditing in the academic and business sectors.
Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, TAG-Org chairman and CEO, blessed this step as it is considered a way to support and build the capabilities and professional qualification of the Palestinian youth.
Al-Quds University, a Palestinian university in Jerusalem, was founded in 1984, but its official constitution was written in 1993 when Mohammed Nusseibeh, its first Chancellor and Chancellor of the College of Science and Technology, announced its formation.
Its founding constituent colleges included the colleges of Science and Technology, Paramedical Sciences, Arts and Religious Studies. Its School of Medicine, associated with the city's Maqasid hospital, was the first college to be founded directly under the banner of Al-Quds in 1993, and is the first Palestinian medical school.
The University, the only Arab University in Jerusalem, provides higher education and community services within the Jerusalem area and to the neighboring towns, villages and refugee camps in the West Bank.