LES-AC Concludes its Annual Meeting in Cairo
08 Jan 2009CAIRO ----- January 8, 2009------The annual meeting of the Licensing Executives Society –Arab Countries concluded today in the Egyptian capital with a call to launch the Professional Development Program Business Franchising.
The program, According to Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, LES-AC Chairman, is composed of five units.
“Establish a franchise operation, manage a franchise operation, manage the establishment of new sites, manage relationship with franchise and manage closure of a franchise,” he said.
LES-AC presented its achievments in 2008 which included an intellectual property conference in Damascus, technology development in the world and its impact on the MENA region seminar, issues in life sciences licensing in the Middle East and Africa workshop which was held in Chicago in addition to others.
On the international part, LES-AC took part in the LES International events: Japan, US, France and Netherlands.
Meanwhile, LES-AC presented its future plans headed by the organization of a Technology Transfer Forum, and several training courses which include train the trainer, settlement of licensing agreements disputants, basics of licensing and technology transfer, fundamentals of IP asset management and licensing in addition to others.
At the beginning of the meeting, ASCA’s Chairman Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and the attendees observed a minute of silence in honor of Gaza’s martyrs massacred by Israeli forces.