TAG-Org and CAOA Sign a Cooperation Agreement in HR
10 Jan 2009CAIRO --- January 10, 2009 --- The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and the Central Agency for Organization and Administration (CAOA); an affiliate of the Council of Ministers in Egypt signed an agreement in the field of developing human resources (HR) and managing governmental institutions.
In addition, the agreement emphasizes on the importance of coordinating efforts between the public and private sectors in supporting the HR development.
The agreement was signed by Head of the Agency Dr. Safwat Al-Nahhas and TAG-Org’s Chairman and CEO Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.
Under the terms of the agreement, TAG-Org will organize conferences, workshops and offer administrative consultation due to its well-known role in conducting specialized training courses in finance, business, investment, information technology, marketing, accounting and human resources.
According to the agreement, TAG-Org is being accredited as one of the training centers on the national level where it will be listed in a special guide issued by the Agency and distributed to the Agency units in Egypt.
“I am really proud of this strategic partnership with the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, and it is of high importance that all terms of the agreement shall be implemented within a certain time frame,” Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh said.
“TAG-Org is a remarkable example of a specialized Arab institution that enjoys high level of professionalism in the field of human resources,” Mr. Al-Nahhas stated.
On another level, the Arab Knowledge and Management Society in cooperation with the Central Agency for Organization and Administration and the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training (TAG-Academies) launched a new initiative entitled “Qualifying Human Resources Officials” program in Egypt.
This professional and specialized program aims at offering high-quality training and education to the participants to meet the Arab job market’s needs. In addition, it will develop basic skills of setting up plans and programs to attract appropriate human resources and enhance their performance in away that complies with the job bases, rules and strategies.
The program consists of several scientific aspects mainly; contemporary approaches in human resources management, organizational environment and its relation with HR, job descriptions and assessment, recruitment policies.The eighty-hour training program will be designed and implemented by a number of experts in the HR field.