Abu-Ghazaleh: AROQA Signs Accreditation Agreement with the Rosary Sisters School – Aqaba

14 Feb 2020

AMMAN - The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) signed an accreditation agreement with the Rosary Sisters School – Aqaba – Jordan, in the presence of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, AROQA chairman at the headquarters of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global). 

The signing agreement indicates the School’s keenness to achieve the educational quality requirements by applying AROQA’s standards.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his pride in collaborating with the Rosary Sisters School as well as in providing them with quality assurance and accreditation services, pointing to the importance of the accreditation in improving the educational process and performance. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh further explained that the Organization launched school accreditation standards in accordance with the international norms devoting all its resources and expertise to promote the culture of quality and accreditation to take education in the Arab countries to higher levels.

For her part, Sister Damyana Bader, the Rosary Sisters School Manager, praised the Organization’s role in improving and developing the level of education in the Arab region, noting that the School enrolled in various specialized training courses to keep abreast of the educational developments and challenges as well as to enhance education quality in accordance with advancements in the Knowledge World. 

She also extended her gratitude to Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh by presenting him an honorary shield, noting that the School seeks, through the accreditation agreement, to implement modern learning and teaching methods. 

The implementation of quality and academic accreditation standards involves several aspects related to the vision and objectives of the school; improving good governance and leadership; applying modern and advanced methods of teaching and education; providing exceptional learning opportunities for students to acquire knowledge; utilizing a comprehensive evaluation system that documents results and outputs to measure improvement, in addition to the provision of the necessary technical materials and resources that support the educational process as well as complying with the continuous development process for quality assurance.

It is worth mentioning that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) is an international non-for-profit independent association established in Belgium in 2007 with the fundamental objective of raising the quality of higher education in general with a special focus on the Arab world.