Abu-Ghazaleh Chairs ASREN Shareholders’ Annual Meeting

13 Jan 2020

Abu Dhabi – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh chaired the annual meeting of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) shareholders at Khalifeh University in Abu Dhabi. He expressed his appreciation to Ankabout and Khalifeh University for hosting the 9th e-AGE Conference as well as to ASREN’s shareholders active participation and support to the development of the pan-Arab research e-Infrastructures. 

Abu-Ghazaleh announced NREN representatives from Somalia, Iraq, and Palestine as new official shareholders of ASREN. He approved ASREN’s financial statement of 2018 and its operational plan of 2020, which emphasized the development of pan Arab research and education network. It also emphasized the importance of services and applications to research and education communities, including Eduroam,  EduGain, Science Gateway, and Identity Federation platforms for seamless access to repositories, computing facilities, and services, worldwide.

In the shareholders’ meeting, it was decided to follow the recommendations of e-AGE which emphasize the integration of Arab e-infrastructures and connection with Europe, the United States, Latin America and Africa through ASREN’s exchange point in London, as well as on the development of research infrastructure development across the Arab countries. It was also decided to build on the success of the EUMEDCONNECT, AFRICACONNECT and other European funded projects to enhance collaboration between Arab and European scientists and to promote the development of research that focuses on the use of e-Infrastructures.

At the end, It was decided to hold e-AGE 2020 in December 2020 in Tunisia in coordination with the Tunisian CCK (le Centre de Calcul El- Khawarizmi).