Abu-Ghazaleh: We are in a Knowledge Revolution, Moving to a Wisdom Revolution and our Inventions Will be for the Welfare of Humanity
28 Oct 2018BEIRUT - The Lebanese Council of Women Leaders, headed by Ms. Madiha Raslan, organized an open discussion session with HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) entitled “The Role of Woman in the Upcoming Arab Renaissance” at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon headquarters.
The session was attended by Alia Abbas, General Director of Economy and Trade, Ministry of Economy, Director General at Ministry of Tourism. Ms. Nada Sardouk, Director of the National Media Agency, Ms. Laure Suleiman Saab in addition to a host of women leaders and members of the Council.
At the beginning of the session, Ms. Raslan welcomed Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and the attendees and said: “Today, we are in the presence of a unique Palestinian Arab success story. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG-Org the world’s largest company in protecting Intellectual Property Rights and trademark registration.”
She added, “Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh’s name has become one of the strongest Arab and international brands.”
“We, as women leaders, believe like you do in the importance of rapid transformations in the technology field and their impact on the economic, political and social environment which is a key driver for economic growth and social development,” Raslan said.
She also stated: “There is a need to create a strong bond between creative minds. Therefore, we call all business and investment experts to focus on providing an appropriate economic knowledge-based environment attributed to that fact prosperity of a society starts by supporting creativity.”
Addressing Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, Raslan said: “Recently, you have been talking about the next Arab renaissance and we hope there will be one, however, how could it be achieved with the current backwardness which is combined with large scale corruption in our societies? With limited and unequal opportunities, with violence, and limited participation of women in decision making at all levels,” Raslan wondered.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that he will patronize a ceremony honoring the late Edward Said at Colombia University, noting that: “Today, we are at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, women from now on will be the decision makers by raising digital children who will lead the world.”
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh announced that he will release his new book at the end of this month which tackles technological development the world is heading towards, in which the Internet will be the most used tool by human beings.
He added: “you heard many programs talking about children's addiction to the Internet, but I recommend you to teach and train your children towards this addiction which I believe is a ‘good addiction’.”
Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called women to encourage their children to use the Internet from the age of ten as it will become the alternative to going to schools and universities, saying that: “there isn’t any science backing that a teacher could teach students anything that isn’t available on the Internet.”
He believes that the goal of education should change, “Tsunami of Knowledge Revolution", according to President of Harvard University, will remove those who don’t change from existence and the role of universities in the future will change from graduating certificate holders to graduating inventors.
He said “We managed this month to launch the first of its kind university college, with one single mission: to graduate inventors.”
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also announced that TAG-Org in China will produce an electronic gadget that combines features of a smartphone, laptop, combining all Cloud and WiFi services with a 20% lower cost than similar devices with the aim of promoting knowledge, not for profit.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, the Knowledge Revolution has begun and its tool is Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are 76.000 scientists in the United States who study this kind of intelligence and its impact on human life, noting that whatever the mind can imagine is a reality that awaits implementation.
He also said that an inclusive democracy in the world would not be achieved without the Internet since there is a historic opportunity for equality in the Internet milieu.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that "the world is heading to an economic recession in 2020" as a result of an anticipated collapse in the US capital market, this collapse will lead to economic stagnation. “American experts believe that there would be no way out in that case but to wage a new war, which is expected, as they say, to be against Iran.”
However, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh believes that: “Striking and destroying Iran will not benefit America, American economy or the world. America today sees China as its only enemy, therefore, its potential war against China will not aim for destruction or occupation but to jointly create a New World System.”
“Our opportunity for an Arab renaissance will come when the price of a barrel of oil becomes $100. Then, our region will have a chance to save the global economy; there will be a huge wealth to rebuild our region similar to what was achieved with the Marshall Plan. We will be the beneficiary region,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh noted.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh believes that disagreement between America, Russia and China about Syria is only on the reconstruction process. “Participation in reconstruction is a wealth, prosperity and opportunity. As a result, our region will become ‘war profiteering’ by investing in the reconstruction of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and partially Egypt.”
Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out if a barrel of oil reaches $100 or more, the cost of electricity will rise in Lebanon and no one would be able to afford it, hence, the only solution will be to transform to solar and renewable energy.”
In response to a question, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said: “The highest percentage of knowledge is in our region and specifically in Palestine where percentage of knowledge of languages among children reaches around 90% and Internet knowledge reaches around 95% which is higher than Lebanon, the US and Saudi Arabia.”
“We teach students in the Syrian refugee camps, particularly in Al Zaatari camp, how to get an online bachelor degree from global universities. There is no poverty that obstructs knowledge and there is no poor person in the Internet. The country is required to make the Internet accessible to all since it is considered one of the human rights.”
At the end of the forum, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded, “We are currently living in the Knowledge Revolution then we will move to the Wisdom Revolution where our inventions won’t be created for making money, getting power or glory but for the welfare of humanity.”