Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization Launches 10 Digital Training Programs in Cooperation with Almotahida Education Group

24 Oct 2018

AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) launched ten digital training courses through the ‘TadribOnline’ platform in partnership with Almotahida Education Group (AEG).

TAG-Org aims at transforming its 500 training programs into digital programs that are given remotely to applicants through the Internet.

Digitalization training courses comes in line with Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s vision of offering education opportunities to all students everywhere due to his belief in the positive impact of digital learning on communities and its role in disseminating knowledge and information to learners all around the world.

The digitally launched training programs include Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Small and Medium Enterprises, Digital Marketing, Accounting for Non-Accountants, Substantive Examination of Trademarks, as well as the International Arab Certified Public Accountant (IACPA) which includes the Presentation of Financial Statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards, the Preparation of Cash Flow Statement  under IAS 7, Cash and Receivables Accounting, Inventory Accounting under IAS, Non-current assets accounting and intangible assets accounting.

Through TadribOnline, TAG-Org aims to enhance professional training and improve skills and practical knowledge of students and professionals in various sectors by providing them with programs and courses using the latest developed methods in online training.

Each course on the Platform has been prepared by the best accredited experts and trainers using the best interactive tools and innovative digital learning.

It’s worth mentioning that TAG-Org and Al Motahida Education Group launched the online platform for training called TadribOnline last year based on a cooperation agreement stipulating that the Organization provides all training programs and cadres, while AEG digitally transforms these programs.
For more information, please visit e-platform’s website via www.tadribonline.com, or contact info@tadribonline.com