Abu-Ghazaleh Launches Initiatives to Support Education in Palestine

11 Jun 2018

AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh received in his office a delegation from the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education headed by Deputy Education Minister Dr. Basri Al Saleh to discuss means by which Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) can provide support to the educational, social, economic and knowledge process in Palestine.

During the meeting, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his appreciation to Palestinian Minister of Education and Higher Education HE Dr. Sabri Saidam for their efforts in developing education in Palestine noting that Palestine has the lowest illiteracy rate in the world in the age category (6-24 years old).

Meanwhile, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that teaching methods should be diverse and take into consideration individual differences, intelligence and creativity of students affirming the need to integrate high-tech tools including tablets, smartphones, computers, DVDs among others in the educational process.

He cautioned against outdated educational methods mainly rote learning and memorization and called for replacing them with basic skills, developing critical thinking and creativity by providing students with self-education skills.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh referred to some of the suggestions which TAG-Org will carry out in developing the educational environment in Palestine in general and in Jerusalem in particular. Dr. Saidam was briefed on TAG-Org’s experience in launching the school ranking system in Jordan and a suggestion was made to apply a similar system in Palestine with an emphasis on Jerusalem.

The attendees also discussed the management and development of the free-of-charge, digital, educational and economic project entitled “Sama Al Quds” which targets Palestinians as a whole with a special emphasis on Jerusalem city.

It’s worth mentioning that the meeting was held in the presence of Assistant Deputy Minister for Higher Education in Palestine Dr. Ihab Al-Qubbaj and Head of Student Activities at the Ministry Mr. Sadeq Al-Khdour.