Abu-Ghazaleh's 'Talal Ibn Adibah' Short Story Brought to Life at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie

31 May 2018

TULKAREM- The short inspirational and motivational story "Talal Ibn Adibah" which narrates the story of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh’s life starting as a refugee to becoming a global personality, was discussed and read during a special event initiated by the Cultural Salon in Tulkarem at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie.

The reading session was presented by Dima Al Samman, a Palestinian novelist born in Jerusalem and a member of the administrative organization of the Palestinian Writers' and Authors' Union and attended by Mr. Jamal Melhem, Executive Director of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) in Ramallah, Mr. Ahmed Ammar, Assistant Professor for Community Affairs and Public Relations, and poet Ulfat Abu Jarad, and president of the Cultural Salon, Ms. Asmahan Azzouni in addition to a host of invitees.

Al-Samman stated "We are tackling a very important book that talks about the life of the great man Talal Abu-Ghazaleh; the book contains rich stories on positive values for young people, and indirect messages to parents on the right way to raise their children."

Al-Samman highlighted the Ministry of Education and Higher Education's decision to distribute the book to all schools labeling it "a wise decision", especially as it brings hope and delivers positive messages during these current difficult times.

During the meeting, Mr. Melhem distributed copies of 'Talal Ibn Adibah', and "the "Dreaded Echo” in addition to other books.

'Talal Ibn Adibah' narrates the story of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh during the various stages of his life, delivering his message to the "leaders of tomorrow" to express their dreams and aspirations, and inviting them to adhere to those dreams despite the circumstances.