Abu-Ghazaleh: Jordan Hosts Headquarters of the Arab Commission for Satellite Broadcasting

28 May 2018

AMMAN - The Council of Ministers of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has endorsed the hosting of the Arab Commission for Satellite Broadcasting (ACSB) Headquarters in Amman, Jordan.

The Commission, whose Board of Trustees is chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, aims to serve joint Arab action in the fields of media and communications, consolidate the Arab media discourse to serve common Arab values, build bridges of organization and cooperation between Arab media institutions and specialized international organizations, encourage joint Arab production and publish specialized media research and studies.

It’s worth mentioning that the Arab Commission for Satellite Broadcasting works under the umbrella of the Arab League as one of the Arab organizations working in the field of media and communication, presided by Mr. Mohammad Al-Adailah and its Secretary General Eng. Eyad Abu-Khorma.