Code of Ethics for a Better World Committee Discusses Questionnaire on Joint Values
22 May 2018AMMAN - The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum committee responsible for drafting the ‘Code of Ethics for a Better World', discussed, in its meeting, the content of a global questionnaire aimed at extracting common values between Islam and Christianity and formulating it into a moral charter, targeting institutions of social upbringing.
Members of the Committee agreed on the necessity to include as many ethical values as possible in the questionnaire for distribution to the world's religious institutions, whereby common moral values and behavior can be extracted upon which an “Ethical Charter” can be devised, with the aim of inspiring educational curricula, laws and policies and guide the work of world international organizations, media and religious institutions.
Committee member, HE Dr. Rula Al Haroub, explained that the questions drafted in the questionnaire were based on the careful study and analysis of elements contained in all International Charters.
It is worth mentioning that the draft of the global questionnaire consists of a set of questions that clearly deal with the basic concepts of human interaction and focus on established concepts in both religions.
The questionnaire will be judged by specialists in theology and Islamic clerics, as well as experts in psychology, law and sociology. The analysis of the answers will establish common denominators which will form the provisions of the Charter.
The Committee for drafting a Code of Ethics for a Better World was launched by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh as a global initiative that aims at drawing up common values between Islam and Christianity; it also includes experts in the fields of education, media, religion, politics, economics, health and the environment.
An agreement was reached in Rome between Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and the Holy See to disseminate this Charter to all the Vatican institutions as a tool for education and guidance.
The Forum is a non-profit organization that is funded by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Foundation, one of the community service models.