Talal Ibn Adeebah Story Distributed at Palestinian Schools

13 Feb 2018

RAMALLAH – Palestinian Minister of Higher Education HE Dr. Sabri Saidam announced the distribution of “Talal Ibn Adeebah” story to all Palestinian schools. 'Talal Ibn Adeebah' narrates the success story of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh describing how he confronted major obstacles and challenges to succeed in establishing his own Organization which became a global group.

The Minister made the announcement in the presence of  a delegation from Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org)/Ramallah Office which included Executive Director Jamal Melhem and Audit Manager Mousa Suleiman.

Talal Ibn Adeebah, written by author Areej Younis, chronicles the story of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh from his childhood during which he was forced to leave his homeland to the achievement of great success. The story presents lessons for success against obstacles and challenges faced by the Palestinians and demonstrates how to achieve glory despite suffering, “It’s the story of a child, who grows up to become a legend, a child who went through suffering, however, he never gave up, and from the harsh life he suffered, he created  a promising future for his family, country and nation and became a landmark and example of a genius, creative, leading and successful personality and a name that is always mentioned in intellectual, social and humanitarian spheres.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Saidan expressed his admiration for Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s success which is considered an example to follow towards excellence and success, stating that 3000 copies were distributed in the first phase in an objective to enhance spirits of persistence and determination among students.

The Minister highly praised the close partnership with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization which is instrumental in the implementation of many programs including Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Windows in schools which allow students to use advanced communication tools to access information in addition to other technological skills.

For his part, Melhem commended the efforts of the Ministry of Higher Education which aims at placing the name of Palestine on the knowledge map, extending his gratitude to the Ministry for including the 'Ibn Adeebah' story in the curriculum of Palestinian schools, indicating its ongoing patronage of success and excellence towards enhancing these themes among the students who are the main pillar in the construction of the community and the future.

Moreover, Melhem offered further details on the training courses and programs provided by TAG-Org including ICT training and English language among others which are offered in accordance with internationally accredited certificates in these fields, referring to cooperation of the Organization with the Ministry to adopt these courses by the Ministry’s National Institute for Educational Training.