Abu-Ghazaleh chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA)
17 Oct 2017Amman - The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants held its annual meeting under the chairmanship of its Chairman HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.
The meeting was held in the presence of members of the Board of Directors and members of the General Assembly of the Society from various Arab countries including Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Qatar, Yemen, Algeria, Bahrain and Sudan.
During the meeting, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed the importance of keeping up- to date with knowledge development and the evolution of the accounting profession. He pointed out that the Society will work on implementing plans in two directions to achieve this goal. The first is to set up a team to formulate training programs required by the profession in response to rapid technological developments as well as developing existing training and qualifying programs.
He added that the second plan will focus on the formation of an action team to examine the mechanism for the digital transformation of the profession. The team will be composed of accounting experts and experts in information technology. He explained that the Society is capable of leading this transformation, changing the future of accounting, and keeping pace with the information revolution, through its distinguished members from all Arab countries.
He pointed out that the Society has worked on the digital transformation of many training and qualifying programs, and also noted that work is underway to transform all available programs into digital ones and to design an electronic program for the Society’s professional exams.
He announced that the Society is working on developing and updating "Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Accountancy & Business Dictionary", which was first launched by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization in 1972 to include 15 thousand terms in all business fields, especially accounting, pointing out that updating this dictionary comes in response to emerging developments and updates in the profession. He also announced that the Society seeks to provide an Arab service in order to serve the profession and its members, by making the dictionary available free of charge through a smart phone application, by the beginning of 2019.
Mr. Salem Al-Aouri, Executive Director of the Society reviewed the annual report, which witnessed an increase in the number of new members of the Society during the year 2017 with the joining of 23 new members, bringing the total number of members to 1516. He also highlighted the courses and qualifying programs held in the Arab world, which amounted to 26 training courses, benefiting 327 participants.
Additionally, he reviewed the services and activities provided by the Society during the year 2017 including conferences, seminars, workshops and job exhibitions held by the Society, as well as the cooperation agreements the Society reached with a large group of official bodies.
During the meeting, the annual report for 2017 was reviewed and approved, as well as the balance sheet, the estimated budget and the activities of the Society still in progress.