“Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Moh’d Momani” Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio Station (102.7 FM) Launched

06 Apr 2017 AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) launched the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio Station (TAG-BC.FM), during a special concert presented by the Jordanian National Orchestra Association (JOrchestra) and Maan Folklore Troupe, under the patronage of HE Dr. Mohammad Al Momani, Minister of Media Affairs; and in the presence of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, as well as ministers, senators and members of Parliament and ambassadors.

Minister Al Momani expressed his happiness with this launch which embodies the twinning agreement previously signed between Amman and Maan under the patronage of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh.

Al Momani called on the youth to follow the example of the national and pioneering personalities that their success and creativity became a role model similar to the success story of business leader Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh.

“We are witnessing a creative professional national initiative that represents a model and ideal for the youth who managed to surpass challenges and obstacles and turned them into opportunities for creativity, excellence and success,” Al Momani said.

He proudly affirmed that there are more than 45 operating local radio stations; and although there is some sort of resemblance between a number of them, the launch of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio as a specialized radio is considered an enrichment of the cultural and development scenes.

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that he aimed through the launch of TAG-BC to ensure and announce the twinning between Amman and Maan by broadcasting programs and field reports addressing local issues and concerns.
He also noted that the radio station will be committed to present a different and innovative media that is concerned with economic and cultural issues in addition to the services provided by TAG-Org, taking into consideration principles and standards of objectivity and professional journalism.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added that TAG-BC will broadcast classical music to revive the global musical heritage and to deliver to all social categories.
The launching ceremony included the screening of a film entitled “Garden of Voice” and folkloric performance by Maan Troupe. JOrchestra presented various musical pieces by conductor Mohammad Sidiq, joined by the two singers Atallah and Talin Hindeleh.

The Amman-based Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio (TAG-BC.FM) is a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and it broadcasts at 102.7 FM from Amman and Maan.