TAGI-Auditors, UNDP Sign an Audit-Programs Agreement in 15 Countries

10 Dec 2015

JERUSALEM, Palestine – December 10, 2015 - On behalf of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International (TAGI-Auditors)/Palestine signed an audit agreement with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 15 Arab countries. The agreement was signed at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Mr. Jamal Melhem, executive director of TAG-Org in Palestine and Mr. Helg Austiften, director of the UN Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) represented TAG-Org and UNDP respectively. 

HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of TAG-Org, stated that awarding the agreement to TAGI-Auditors emphasizes TAG-Org leading position resulting from many factors, notably, its excellent reputation and professional level compared to competitors worldwide . TAGI-Auditors is registered in International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and has the best qualified auditors in the region. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added that we are honorably proud of UNDP's confidence in TAGI-Auditors, emphasizing that this achievement proves to the world that the Occupation or scarcity of resources do not necessarily hinder success and excellence.

He stated that the agreement will positively affect employment opportunities in Palestine and benefit the private sector. It also reflects the confidence and credibility of TAG-Org at the international level, adding that this will open the door to expand the TAG-Org's projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America and develop cooperation with the United Nations agencies. UNDP's projects are mainly located in countries with developmental problems, such as: Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.  

Mr. Melhem said "Signing this agreement is to reinforce previous agreements concluded between TAG-Org and UNDP in the Arab region and the world in the areas of audit and consulting services. It also indicates and emphasizes TAG-Org's leading position in services it renders to international institutions as the Group is characterized by reliability, professionalism and profound experience over several decades of work all over the world".

Furthermore, Melhem visited the World Bank offices in Washington and met with officials to continue cooperation in several areas. In another visit to the International Federation of Accountants, the current professional status of accounting profession in Palestine and prospects for its development were discussed.

UNDP works in more than 170 countries, helping achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. UNDP helps countries develop policies, leadership skills, partnership abilities, institutional capacities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. 

TAG-Org is a professional services group that was established in 1972 and currently has more than 80 offices around the world that offer a variety of services mainly in the area of audit and consulting, intellectual property, education and qualification.