Egypt's Minister of Education and Abu-Ghazaleh Discuss Cooperation in the Field of Education
06 Dec 2015CAIRO – December 6, 2015 - Egyptian Minister of Education Dr. El-Hilali El-Sherbini and HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) discussed ways of cooperation in the field of education and what TAG-Org could provide in order to support the Ministry's programs in the field of information technology and quality in education.
The two parties agreed on the importance of developing quality in education through conducting exams and quality assurance programs conducted by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) headed by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and the Honorary Chairmanship of the General Secretary of the League of Arab States and support of the European Union headquartered in Brussels.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh presented the services provided by TAG-Org to the Ministry of Communication based on the request of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mr. Yasser Elkady in which TAG-Org launched a nationwide initiative for capacity building and accordingly TAG-Org awards international diploma certificate in ICT approved by Cambridge University in the UK which TAG-Org administers in the Arab countries through the Armed Forces Information Systems Institute- the exclusive agent for the dissemination, marketing, operation and management of the International Diploma Program for IT Skills accredited by Cambridge International Examinations and administered by TAG-Org worldwide.
The two parties agreed to establish Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Digital Knowledge Center similar to the centers TAG-Org established in Egypt with a total number of 110 centers; 30 centers in the Ministry and more than 80 at the Armed Forces as accredited centers of the International Diploma Program.
Previously, TAG-Org presented the Ministry a grant for training teachers in which 200 teachers received training as part of the training of trainers program that includes 2500 teachers and 20000 Free Tests, in addition TAG-Org rehabilitated the Ministry's training center and handled all expenses.
The two sides reviewed cooperation programs with the Professional Academy for Teachers and center for teachers to prepare educational leaders to study the Ministry's training needs through specialized programs run by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training Group (TAGI-TRAIN).
At the end of the meeting, Abu-Ghazaleh presented to Minister El-Sherbini a report prepared by TAG-Org in partnership with the UNESCO on the use of information and communication technology in basic education in several Arab countries including Egypt.