Abu-Ghazaleh: An Agreement with China to Provide a Certified IP Licensing Practitioner Program

25 Oct 2015


AMMAN ------ October25, 2015--------- The Licensing Executives Society– Arab Countries held its Board of Directors and Annual meetings headed by its president HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh in Amman. 

Both meetings resulted in several decisions and tackled several key issues such as preparing an agreement to be signed by the concerned people in China to provide a Certified IP Licensing Practitioner program, in order to educate them about Intellectual Property licensing, and preparing certificates befitting the program.

During the annual meeting of the Society, which is a member of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Foundation, the Society’s programs, activities and accomplishments during 2014 - 2015 were discussed, especially the programs and activities provided by the Society.

According to the meetings’ decisions, the Society intends on uploading all specialized training programs on its website, in order to provide the opportunity for the largest possible number of members desiring to obtain the Arab Certified IP Licensing Practitioner.

The Society intends on introducing a training courses package during 2015 – 2016 in collaboration with the Licensing Executives Society International.

In addition to that, the Society, as per the decisions of the two meetings, intends on coordinating with the Higher Council for Science and Technology, in order to prepare a collaboration agreement between the Council and the Society to invest in technology and innovations in Jordan.

The Society’s management intends on conferring with the Higher Council for Science and Technology to investigate the possibility of holding a licensing opportunity forum along with the Technology and Innovations Exhibit.

About the Licensing Executive Society – Arab Countries:

The Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries is the regional society of the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) family that consists of 32 national and regional societies. LESI has a worldwide membership of over 11,000 members representing 93 countries.