Abu-Ghazaleh Calls for More Creative Applications of Information and Communication Technologies
11 Feb 2015NEW YORK---------February 11, 2015-----HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), the global organization for professional services and education called for more creative and widespread applications of information and communication technologies and tools in urban and spatial planning, in urban design and management and in the delivery of social services to all citizens.
In a video message at the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization Forum held in New York, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that as the UN embarks on its quest under the theme “The Future We All Want”, through a new global agenda for sustainable development, we must all focus on the crucial role of smart sustainable urbanization as a central driving force towards a better future for mankind.
"And on this occasion, I commend the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization for convening this timely Forum to serve that purpose and thank you for bestowing on me the privilege of bringing a business perspective to you," he said.
According to Abu-Ghazaleh cities are the pulsating heart of human civilization.
"They are the epicenters of business and wealth creation, economic growth, social advancement and cultural vitality. As cities grow, so does a country and a society. Today, a majority of the world's people, 54 percent, live in cities and this proportion will grow to 70 percent in the next few decades. Cities are also the leading and active partners in the rural-urban dynamic," he said.
"Indeed, our future is an urban one. A vast majority of our children and grandchildren will live in cities. We want them to live in well-planned, livable cities where life is secure, the traffic flows, there is water in the faucets, the sanitation system works, there are no energy shortages, and where housing, health and education services are affordable and accessible to all, be it in Cairo or Detroit, in London or Nairobi, in Manila or Mumbai," he added.
De. Abu-Ghazaleh continued by giving a grim image of the future that the world does not want saying:" We do not want cities to be the sources of growing carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases, nor face the threat of floods and storms due to climate change."
He stressed on what is really needed "cities to be centers of creativity, innovation and business development," "cities that ensure safety of life, housing, education and health service for all, enabled by new information and communication technologies," and "smart, sustainable and livable cities that will help secure the future of generations to come."
In his words, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh wants public and private sectors, academia and civil society work together as true partners to bring to bear their complementary strengths for this common cause.
"As a business leader with a lifelong dedication to the United Nations principles and causes, I commit my support to such a partnership approach," Abu-Ghazaleh who was Chair of the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development, Co-Chair of the UN ICT Task Force and Co-Chair of the UN Global Compact said.
He concluded by saying: "As a representative of the private sector, I know that we can make a difference, a big difference in securing and building the urban future we want and I choose to support sustainable urbanization."
The Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization is a New York based, non-profit organization formed to promote a better understanding of the role of sustainable urbanization and resilient design in the planning of our cities with a new found optimism about the urban future.
The Consortium is committed to bringing together the different stakeholders for conferences and exchanges of innovative policies and best practices applicable to both developing and developed regions of the world.