Abu-Ghazaleh Introduces Plans for Integrating Arab E-Infrastructure in a Global Environment
09 Feb 2015MUSCAT ------- February 9, 2015 ---- Under the patronage of His Highness Sayyid Taimur bin Asad Al Said, and chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, the Fourth International Platform on Integrating Arab E-Infrastructure in a Global Environment (e-AGE) has concluded in the presence of more than 250 participants from 40 countries.
E-AGE is a platform organized yearly by the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN). It aims at enhancing dialogue among expert, researcher and decision-maker participants in order to cooperate in preparing and implementing national and regional e- infrastructure projects as well as formulating research and education (R&E) matters that are essentially based on the significant issues in the Arab region such as energy, water, environment, etc.
Speakers, decision-makers, experts and scientists from all Arab countries, Europe, USA, Africa, Latin America, Canada, and Asia shared their ideas to ensure the sustainability of dialogue realized by the Platform towards developing the Arab networks of research and education.
This year, e-AGE has witnessed the launch of exchange point of ASREN in London, the international connection between Jordan and the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association with capacity of 155 MB/S, supported by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), in addition to the declaration of the continuity of the European Commission support to the Arab e-infrastructure within the European Euro-Mediterranean Connect project (EUMEDCONNECT3). In addition, e-AGE has witnessed a high-level participation by the European Commission to enhance research cooperation with the Sultanate of Oman and research communities in the GCC.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that it is of great importance to make use of the support of the League of Arab States, the European Commission, and the international donors to initiate sustainable projects towards technical connect, research and education. He also stressed the continuity of cooperation between the Arab, European, American, East Asian, and African networks in order to develop sustainable e-infrastructures, exchange points and to support scientists and researchers all over the world.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh declared that the Conference has concluded a number of recommendations, of most prominent:
• Implementing His Highness Sayyid Taimur bin Asad Al Said’s directions to establish connect network with China and Near East
• Adopting ASREN programs and strategy for the upcoming stage, while stressing the establishment of e-infrastructure connect amongst the Arab states and the world
• Enhancing collaboration with the League of Arab States and the Arab states themselves towards developing the e-integration of education and research networks in the Arab states
• Focusing on the ASREN main exchange points, one of which is now operational in London, and currently a second one is being established in Fujairah in cooperation with UAE Ankabut, while plans are being set to launch a point in Alexandria in cooperation with Egypt Universities Network
• Conducting the fifth e-AGE in December 2015 in the Kingdom of Morocco
e-AGE called for speeding up the integration of the Arab e-infrastructure and connecting it with Europe, USA, Latin America and Africa through the main ASREN exchange points in London and Fujairah, continuity of supporting these networks the same as in Jordan, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Palestine, as well as supporting R&E infrastructure in Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, and Iraq, R&E networks in Oman and Qatar and connecting them with the global research networks, stressing the significance of effective participation of ASREN, integrating the Arab consolidated e-infrastructure and enhancing the role of R&E community in the Arab world.
It also called for providing computing, research and education services and resources on the Arab network including standardized wireless connection and science and learning portal, making use of and building on the Euro-Mediterranean Interconnection Project, Technical Compatibility Project, and other projects funded by the European Commission in the field of developing cooperation and coordination amongst Arab and European researchers, enhancing corporation and joint scientific researches that are based on the use of e-infrastructures, encouraging and attracting donors, research institutions and the supporting organizations in the Arab region, Europe and the world in order to support the development of the Arab network and research infrastructure in the Arab world, and enhancing the participation and cooperation of the private sector in the field of research and education development.