Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge Agreement with the Egyptian Armed Forces Information Systems Institute Results in a Protocol Signed between the Institute and Cairo University
01 Feb 2015CAIRO------- February 1, 2015---------The Armed Forces Information Systems Institute- the exclusive agent for the dissemination, marketing, operation and management of the International Diploma Program for IT Skills accredited by Cambridge International Examinations and administered by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) worldwide- has signed a cooperation protocol with Cairo University.
The Protocol aims at holding the international diploma program for IT skills at the Faculty Development Center of Cairo University, and in all training centers at the public Egyptian universities through the Center at Cairo University. This Center will, in cooperation with the Armed Forces Information Systems Institute, seek to market and disseminate the diploma, provide training on the diploma materials and hold the diploma examination in both Arabic and English.
The signing ceremony was attended by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Dr. Jaber Nassar- President of the University, Major General Assem AbdelMohsen- Director of Information Systems and Ihab Nasr /Director of the Institute.
In his statement, Dr. Jaber Nassar indicated the urgent need for such frameworks which provide useful training and professional services to the citizens, hoping that this protocol will be the starting point of a more comprehensive cooperation with the Information Systems Institute. He also invited deans of faculties to send teams of students and faculty members to visit the Institute.
Meanwhile, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh commended this cooperation, considering it as a step ahead in the right direction towards knowledge education. He also noted that one of the most important resolutions adopted by the Arab summits is the resolution on literacy, which was originally submitted by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi, subsequently adopted as the main theme for the next decade dedicated for digital literacy.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh emphasized TAG-Org willingness to provide advice in this regard to the Secretariat General of the Arab League in charge of implementing this project, stressing that the Group will move forward in the direction recommended by the Egyptian President.
The meeting also discussed the mutual desire to conclude a memorandum of understanding between the University and TAG-Org to establish joint educational programs, set up TAG Knowledge Centre at the University premises, and make use of the University’s expertise and capabilities in the studies and projects carried out by the Group all over the world. Moreover, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh offered the inventors and innovators at the University the opportunity to register their inventions through Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), which is the largest firm in this domain worldwide.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added that digital education is one of the proposed paths side by side with the traditional education, putting TAG-Org expertise in this field at the service of the University.
It is worth mentioning that Cairo University was founded in 1905; and comprises 260 thousand students and 17 thousand professors as well as 20 scientific centers. It also includes scientists and scholars in various fields, and therefore it is the largest university in the world and considered one of the internationally accredited universities.
At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Jaber Nassar awarded the University Shield to Major General Asem Abdul Mohsen and HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.