Abu-Ghazaleh Exempts Families of Palestinian Martyrs and Wounded from TAG-DIT Fees

21 Sep 2014

AMMAN --- September 21, 2014 --- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) exempted families of Palestinian martyrs and wounded in Gaza Strip from the fees of qualifying exams for obtaining Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Diploma in IT skills TAG-DIT, replaced by an electronic exam organized by the offices of TAG-Org in the Strip.

According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh this initiative comes from the belief in the necessity to equip our people in Gaza with the required knowledge through using IT properly to re-build and develop. The certificate empowers its holder with the basic skills to use computer and Internet which became a prerequisite in the labor market and against Israeli occupation.

It is worth mentioning that the exam to obtain this certificate is held electronically in 1000 centers throughout the Arab world. Anyone passes this exam becomes qualified to use ICT which is one of the conditions to have a job in the 80 offices of TAG-Org and in many countries and corporations.

Previously 1000 Palestinian accountants in the West Bank were granted the Arab Certified Public Accountant (ACPA) certificate, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh presented that grant after the Israeli assault on the West Bank and the invasion of Jenin. In addition, 1000 certificates were granted to the Palestinians in Gaza after the Israeli war on the Strip in 2012.

It is worth mentioning that TAG-Org offices in Gaza did not stop during the war and remained operational providing their services despite the hard conditions during the Zionist attack that lasted for 51 days.

Exams to be held electronically will be arranged through TAG-Org office in Gaza. Anyone who passes the exams will obtain the TAG-DIT certificate. The mechanism of registration and examination will be announced shortly by TAG-Org office in Gaza.