Under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdulla II .. ASREN Holds the First International Platform on Arab e-Infrastructures in a Global Environment

03 Aug 2011 AMMAN------ August 3, 2011--------- The General Assembly of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) held its first meeting in Amman under the Chairmanship of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of ASREN. The meeting was attended by Dr. Sultan Abu Orabi, Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities, and Mr. David West, Projects Manager in the Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (DANTE) as well as representatives of national networks in Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Morocco and Turkey.

The meeting was headed by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh who extended his gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah II for the Royal Patronage of the first international platform on integrating Arab e-infrastructures in a global environment that will be organized by ASREN in Amman during December 12-14, 2011 in cooperation with EUMEDCONNECT Network, the US Research and Education Network in the Middle East, and the Association of Arab Universities.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh praised the role played and the achievements made by ASREN in such a short time, particularly its efforts in establishing Arab e-infrastructures to support research and education and promote effective participation in the field of e-sciences. Under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdulla II .. ASREN Holds the First International Platform on Arab e-Infrastructures in a Global Environment

The research focused on urgency of work with the Arab countries to support the establishment of national research and education networks and connect them to the Arab regional network, the establishment of which is supported by the European Union through the EUMEDCONNECT Project. Subsequently, the national research and education networks will be connected to the international regional networks and cooperation with the Association of Arab Universities will be enhanced.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh emphasized his support to establish the Arab regional network, and extended his thanks to the European Union for its support to the 3rd phase of the EUMEDCONNECT Project, through which the practical and technological procedures of ASREN will be supported.

The meeting concluded with a number of decisions, including:
- Connecting “DANTE" to ASREN’s website with a view to exchanging and enhancing information.
- Inviting “DANTE” to participate as an observer member in ASREN meetings.
- Welcoming the accession of Qatar Institution to ASREN’s Technological Advisory Committee.
- Inviting Dr. Fedrico Ruggieri – the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics “INFN” and Dr. Ashraf Hussein- the Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt to join the Scientific Research Committee headed by Dr. Fa’eqa AL Saleh- Advisor to the Secretary General of the League of Arab States (LAS)for Research and Education Affairs.
- Delegating representatives of the Egyptian universities network and the Association of Arab Universities to join the preparatory committee to organize the international meeting on technological connectivity in Amman.
- Appointing an independent auditor to prepare and audit ASREN closing accounts.

In the meeting, it was also decided to extend thanks to each of the following:
- HE Mr. Amro Mousa, former Secretary General of the League of Arab States for his support and sponsorship of ASREN since its establishment, who was asked to continue as a founding honorary chairman of ASREN. Mr. Nabil Al Arabi, Secretary General of the Arab League was also asked to accept the honorary chairmanship of ASREN.
HE Mr. Ersat Hurmuzlu, Advisor to the Turkish President, for his support and participation in ASREN establishment and launch.
- Dr. Saleh Hashem, ASREN Vice Chairman, for his efforts and contribution, who was asked to continue as a founding vice chairman. The Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities was asked to accept the position of ASREN Vice Chairman.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, in his capacity then as the Chairman of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development “GAID”, has announced the launch the Arab States Research and Education Network on March 31, 2010 in the third Euro-Mediterranean Conference held in Brussels. The Arab States Research and Education Network was officially opened under the patronage of the Secretary General of the Arab League on December 8, 2010.