Workshop on Practical and Legal Perspectives of IP to be Organized in Amman

05 Feb 2006
By a staff reporter
AMMAN - The “Practical and Legal Perspectives of Intellectual Property” workshop will be held on February 6, 2006 at the Royal Scientific Society’s (RSS) headquarters in Amman.
The three-day event is organized by the Technology Transfer Center at the RSS in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGorg).
Speakers from Jordan and India will tackle several issues related to intellectual property.
The main themes to be underlined are as follows:
- Overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): Relationship between Innovation and IPRs.

- Valuation of IPRs.

- Overview of Intellectual Property Laws in Jordan.

- Overview of IPRs Policy at the Royal Scientific Society.

- How to Identify an Invention for Patenting.

- Commercialization of Patents.

- The Impact of the Patent System on Research Investment for Developing Countries.

- How to Write and File a Patent.