Abu-Ghazaleh Inaugurates AROQAE's 3rd Annual Conference at the University of Wales

27 Jun 2011

AROQAE Board of Directors held a meeting, under the theme “Quality Management in Education and Scientific Research” and developed a “road map” for achieving the aspired objectives

CARDIFF, United Kingdom --- June 27, 2011--- The 3rd annual Conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQAE) was inaugurated under its chair HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh at the University of Wales in the presence of the representatives of 16 Arab countries, the European Union and the United States.

In his opening speech, Abu-Ghazaleh compared the Arab countries eager to develop education with a race between lions (the developed countries) and gazelles (Arab countries) which forces the gazelles to raise their speed to outrun the lions. This speed is the advantage of the gazelles if utilized properly.

As an example, he cited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which allocated 27% of its budget for education and capacity building, the highest record made by any country.Abu-Ghazaleh Inaugurates AROQAE's 3rd Annual Conference at the University of Wales

Abu-Ghazaleh also thanked HE Mr. Amre Moussa, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and the Honorary President of AROQAE, for his support and guidance. He also appreciated the role of Dr. Faeqa Al Saleh, Mr. Moussa’s educational adviser, in the progress and development of AROQAE. Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude to Dr. Saleh Hashem, Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities and the Vice-President of AROQAE, as a partner since its establishment.

In conclusion, Abu-Ghazaleh thanked the University of Wales Institute for its hospitality and organization of the conference.

Consequently, the AROQAE Board of Directors held a meeting, under the theme “Quality Management in Education and Scientific Research” and developed a “road map” for achieving the aspired objectives.

The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education was established in 2007, in response to the calls of Arab leaders’ summits to develop the quality of education, as a non –profit organization that aims at promoting the quality of education in Arab countries through the provision of services related to quality assurance, accreditation, improvement of the education standards and capacity building, as well as exchange of experiences and spreading awareness about examples of excellence in education in the Arab region.