ASIP Roundtable Discusses Comparative Advertising
07 Nov 2006AMMAN - The Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP) holds its monthly roundtable forum “Comparative Advertising: A Marketing tool or an Unfair Act of Competition?” on Tuesday at the Society’s headquarters, the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh College of Business/German University (TAGCB/GJU).
The position of comparative advertising in the globe and broad definitions of comparative advertising from a marketing and legal point of view are the focus topics in the event led by the Training Manager at Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) Hams Mdanat.
“Sources of information is based on a case law study regarding unfair competition in the US and the European directive on misleading and comparative advertising," Mdanat told ag-IP-news Agency.
"Also Internet sources in regards to information on comparative advertising in different countries and analysis report entitled “Analysis of Article 2 of the Jordanian Unfair and Trade Secret Law #15 of 2000”, Mdanat added.
In addition, types of comparative advertising and its implication with business competition and the different causes of action that can be taken when an unfair act of competition takes place (legal perspective) are further discussion points.
ASIP Roundtable is a monthly forum for IP experts and practitioners to come together and exchange views and experiences on issue of interest.