Bahrain Tennis Club Sets Assembly Schedule, Elections of New Administrative Board

05 Feb 2007
The Administration of Clubs at the General Institution for Youth and Sport has agreed to set the date for the convention of the general assembly meeting for the Bahrain Tennis Club prior to the end of April 2007.
This came in a statement by Mr. Hussein Alattar, the Treasurer of the club.
He clarified that in light of the agreement of the General Institution for Youth and Sport, the club’s board of directors has adopted a schedule for the meeting and business agenda that includes certifying the previous meeting minutes, presentation of financial and administrative reports for the year 2006, discussion of members’ suggestions and recommendations, followed by the resignation of the current board of directors and electing a new board for the next 2 years.
Alattar added that the secretariat of the club, headed by Mr. Mahmoud Alshihabi, is currently preparing the administrative report of the work for the sitting board of directors. Additionally, the financial report for 2006 and the projected budget of 2007 are being prepared in collaboration with Fakhro Accounting and the auditing firm Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International (TAGI), in order to be ready prior to the defined legal date per the basic law of clubs.
The treasurer called on all members who haven’t paid their annual subscriptions yet to do so as soon as possible, so that the club members can enlist their names under those entitled to attend the general assembly meeting, and they can utilize their right to nominate and elect a new board of club directors for 2007-2008.