IP Organizations Tackle Copyright Issues in Jordan
01 May 2007By Sandra Halteh
AMMAN - "Jordan National Library dealt with 1724 counterfeiting cases and referred them to courts. This increase indicates our dedication in minimizing the effects of this 'crime'," Director General of the National Library Mamoun Al Talhouni told the attendants during the monthly roundtable held on April 30 at the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh College of Business/German University (TAGCB/GJU) in Amman.
"Jordan Copyright Law was the target of two amendments in 2004 and 2005 to be in accordance with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) two treaties," he added. These treaties are: the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) in addition to the Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States.
Al Talhouni called on all the concerned parties to unify their efforts in combating piracy and counterfeiting especially in Amman downtown where many shops sell pirated CDs and DVDs.
"We have good legislations to address this problem; however, we need more effective implementation procedures. The private and public sectors should work together in this field." He elaborated that the private sector which is the main party to be harmed with the increasing levels of piracy should take an action by filing complaints against the counterfeiters.
"I also ask our police apparatus, customs department, judiciary authority not to be tolerant with these violators for any reason," he pointed out.
The monthly roundtable is an initiative jointly sponsored by the Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP) and the Jordanian Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) to promote more awareness concerning the need to protect Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). This was the first monthly roundtable held in cooperation between ASIP and JIPA, it was also sponsored by King Abduallah II Center for Intellectual Property (KACIP).
ASIP Chairman Talal Abu-Ghazeleh welcomed this effort and called on all those working in this field for more coordination for the interest of not only right holders but also the national economies as a whole.
"I am so pleased with this initiative and we as ASIP are ready to provide all the needed assistance to make such an effort a success," Abu-Ghazeleh stated. He maintained that the Society aims to eliminate piracy and promote awareness not in Jordan alone but in the Arab region as well.
"I believe such events would form networks between the IP-targeting organizations and at the same time the media will play its role on shedding more light on such informative discussions," Rana Diab from JIPA said.
She stressed that such a cooperation will always benefit the people, the economy and the country in all aspects. She pointed out that the six-month IP campaign, for instance, which was conducted last year by the National Library, KACIP and JIPA had proved its good effect on the people and delivered its message to many who knew nothing before about IP.
“ASIP believes that there is a need to regroup and unify efforts exerted by all the concerned parties to enhance such concepts among the people. Therefore, the three organizations decided to hold such events on a monthly basis,” ASIP Manager Mutasem Dmour said.
Jordan is working to address piracy and counterfeiting using different mechanisms; on a national level the Council of Ministers approved last year the establishment of the national IP commission.
"To make this Commission succeed in its mission, it should be granted an independent administrative and financial status; giving it the full authority to tackle piracy and counterfeiting," Talhouni commented.
ASIP is a specialized Arab professional body. Its main objective is to enhance and develop the protection of IP system through various means of awareness and education, which explains the nature of work in this field and its effective role in the economy.
JIPA, a not-for-profit voluntary membership association, aims to contribute to positive economic growth in Jordan through increased levels of IP awareness in the Jordanian business community, enhanced infrastructure for IPRs protection, and an internationally recognized IP industry in Jordan.