AGIP Offers Distinctive Search Services for Published Trademarks and Patents

25 Jul 2007
AMMAN - In order to meet the needs and requirements of our esteemed clients all over the world, Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) is introducing a new search service which will protect the interests of trademark owners and patent holders in the region.
AGIP’s Intellectual Property (IP) Data Center marks a new dawn of search services for published trademarks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Gaza, Ramallah, Kuwait and Yemen, as well as search for published patents in the UAE. 
Before filing an application in one of the aforementioned countries, the system checks whether the trademarks and patents are available for registration, in order to avoid any conflict with or infringement on earlier rights owned by third parties.
By using highly sophisticated search strategies, the IP Data Center conducts a comprehensive search for similar/identical trademarks and patents and their status published in the official gazettes in the aforementioned countries.
While the official search in certain national trademark offices could take up to one month and is conducted manually, the IP Data Center guarantees a distinctive, high-quality and electronic search service with competitive rates. In addition, accurate result reports will be delivered within less than 24 hours.
The trademark search includes different search criteria that can be used individually or combined, including trademark’s name (word mark, design mark), owner’s name, classes, country, application number, application date, publication date and others.
The same mechanism applies when conducting search for a published patent, where the IP Data Center conducts a comprehensive search for patents according to the name of the inventor, title of the patent, dates of publication/application/priority, numbers of publication/ application/priority, patent families and others.
The IP Data Center will soon be providing this service in other countries in the region.