Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business Celebrates the Graduation of MBA Students
31 Aug 2014AMMAN------- August 31, 2014 --------- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAGSB)/ German Jordanian University celebrated the graduation of the sixth batch of the MBA students.
The ceremony which celebrated the graduation of 104 students was held under the patronage of HE Dr. Amin Mahmoud, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and HE Dr. Mohammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Tuwaijri, Assistant Secretary General of the League of ArabStates, and was attended by HE Mr. Raplh Tarraf, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Natheer Abu Obaid, President of the German Jordanian University, deans of the university, faculty and parents.
In his speech, Dr. Mahmoud expressed his pride in this group of change leaders, describing TAGSB as one of the best educational institutions in terms of quality of training and creative learning and teaching. He described Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh as an honorable teacher and professional scientific phenomenon that should be studied and taught. Dr. Mahmoud stated that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is a Jordanian legend with many achievements through his initiatives locally and globally. He also added that this man deserves utmost appreciation.
Dr. Mahmoud addressed the graduates saying that our country is in an urgent need for your newly acquired knowledge and skills and extended his congratulations to their families, commending the efforts of their teachers who never spared the best of their knowledge and expertise.
HE Dr. Al-Tuwaijri delivered a speech in which he congratulated the graduates saying: “You should be proud of being graduates of this prestigious educational institution of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business which presents a new model for higher education methods and programs in the region; providing Arab markets with qualified competencies that are capable of leading businesses,” adding: “Arab summits have issued many resolutions encouraging communication with the private sector and we noticed Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization’s focus on the means and mechanisms which stimulate communities and help them interact with knowledge so as to be producers and exporters of knowledge, in addition to their constant attention to communication and cooperation with Arab and international organizations, including the Arab League.”
In his speech, Prof. Abu Obaid, President of the German Jordanian University, commended the outstanding standards TAGSB has achieved by adopting the biggest graduate studies program in Jordan, which comprises several disciplines constantly updated and improved by TAGSB according to the needs of the labor market.
He also referred to the excellence of TAGSB as proven by ranking first among Jordanian universities in the financial analysis competition. The same team was ranked second at international level in the contest organized in London last year.
Dr. Abu Obaid expressed his thanks to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his continuous support of TAGSB, his great passion and belief in its mission, pointing out that the partnership between the University and TAG-Org which is about to enter its tenth year reflecting the vision of the University represented in the fruitful partnership between the public education and private business sectors.
He stressed on the fact that TAGSB has non-Jordanian students from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Sudan and Mauritania, Germany, Russia, Uzbekistan, Belgium, Canada and the USA; and "we are proud of the fact that the over 450 graduates are all active contributors to local and regional labor market without a single unemployed graduate."
In his speech, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that the world is in need for such smart and skilled leaders who are passionate and committed to dedicating their talents to serving their communities. He added "we have given everything we can so that TAGSB becomes a leading business school in the region."
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his thanks to TAGSB Advisory Council for their advice and guidance and announced a new experiment under which current students will constitute half the number of the members of the Advisory Council and graduates will constitute the other half.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded his speech by addressing the graduates and offering them advice saying: “At our college you studied the lessons and then passed the tests, in the work place you will face the tests and therefrom learn the lessons. In the work place, you will learn how to take the right decisions through experience; and you will gain experience from your wrong decisions. Remember that you will always face problems. Problems may be interested in you even if you are not interested in them. Don’t hate your enemies, but always remember them. By remembering them you remain aware that because you are being watched you can’t afford committing mistakes.”
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that we ought to be proud of the stability and security we enjoy in Jordan under the leadership of HM King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein.
During the ceremony, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh presented shields to HE the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Mahmoud and HE Dr. Mohammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Tuwaijri. The Teacher of the Year Shield for 2013-2014 was presented to Dr. Ma’moun Akroush. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also presented the Shield of Excellence and TAGITOPs to three outstanding students, namely: Mohammad Noor Shaker, Rawan Al-Refaei and Haneen Sabarini.