Abu-Ghazaleh to Hold International Professional Conference in Abu Dhabi
04 May 2014
AMMAN –-----May 4, 2014----- The General Assembly of the International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA/Jordan) held its 25th meeting at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGI-UNI).
IASCA/Jordan Chairman HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh commended the role and performance of ASCA/ Jordan in translating the International Accounting Standards for which IASCA was highly- appraised by the International Accounting International Federation of Accountants and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation giving credit to the Society’s professionalism and continuous efforts to facilitate, develop, and finance the Arabic translation.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also referred to the international professional conference which will be held next December in Abu Dhabi under the patronage of HE Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan in cooperation with the UAE Accountants & Auditors Association calling on organizers for a good preparation of this conference and to engage Arab specialized professional societies and bodies.
IASCA/Jordan Manager Mr. Salem Al Ouri gave a presentation on the content of the annual report which included the Society’s achievements and future plans. Mr. Al Ouri further indicated that the training programs have been significantly developed covering all accounting fields and attended by institutions, bodies, and firms.
The attendees appraised the role of IASCA (Jordan) in encouraging the parties in charge to be more committed to the application of the accounting standards in the public sector and to hold workshops in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and that the Ministry of Finance in Jordan to be more acquainted with these standards.
IASCA (Jordan) always endeavors to upgrade the accounting and sciences and their disciplines and principles that apply to all or some professional services. In addition, ASCA seeks to enhance the competency, practice, and behavior to meet the highest professional levels by paying attention to the accounting publications, and follow up whatever new and modern in accounting and auditing.