The Economic Policy Development Forum Highly Commends the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II to the government on the future of economy

02 Apr 2014

The Presidential Office of the Economic Policy Development Forum observed with great interest the important Royal letter addressed to the Government to draw up a clear 10- year blueprint for economic development.

The Office expresses its great appreciation and commends the directives and prudent vision of His Majesty to boost and strengthen the pillars of the fiscal and monetary policy, promote and improve the competitiveness of the national economy and secure a decent living as well as a bright future for the citizens of our beloved country, Jordan.

In light of the above, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of the Forum, decided the following:

1-    Adopting the letter of His Majesty the King as the core document for the taskforce for drafting Jordan 2022 future vision on the occasion of  marking the 100th Anniversary of the Kingdom’s establishment which will give us the will and determination to achieve the objectives of the Forum.

2-    The formation of committees stemming from the taskforce in conformity with the seven principles addressed by the Royal letter.

3-  The taskforce shall set specific goals based on the Royal directives and shall propose policies and procedures necessary to achieve such goals.

4-   The Forum shall present its final report to His Majesty the King to decide what His Majesty believes appropriate to the Kingdom and shall put the report at the disposal of the King in the manner His Majesty deems fit, the same as the case for all the Forum’s reports and working papers which are always made available to decision-makers.

5-    This voluntary Forum comprising prominent experts and specialists in all sectors and at the highest levels puts itself at the service of the Kingdom for achieving the interests of Jordan under the Hashemite leadership and guided by the wise guidance of His Majesty, the King.

Meanwhile, the EPDF announces that the founding meeting of the taskforce for “drafting Jordan 2022 future vision" shall be held on April 16, 2014.