IASCA Submits A Paper at the 4th International Conference for Accounting, Auditing & Governance

29 Mar 2014

DUBAI ---- March 29, 2014 ---- The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) took part in the 4th International Conference for Accounting, Auditing & Governance organized by the UAE Accountants and Auditors Association under the patronage of HE Minister of Economy Engineer Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri.

The Society submitted a paper entitled “The Contribution of the Professional Organizations in the Legislations of the Islamic Financial Products”.

On behalf of IASCA Chairman HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, the paper was submitted by Salem Al Ouri, manager of the Society. The paper tackled the role of the professional organizations in developing Islamic banking through setting up standards that govern it and by establishing professional programs to upgrade the efficiency of those working in the Islamic banking sector. IASCA is provide training on one of these which is the CIMA certificate issued by the in cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International.

At the conclusion of the paper, the Society provided a number of recommendations that would develop Islamic banking including the necessity to adopt standards and guidelines issued by the specialized entities in Islamic banking, the need to make the national and international professional organizations more involved in the membership of the Islamic banking commissions as these commissions enjoy the experience and potentials that are positively reflected on the Islamic financial servies.

The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) was established on January 12, 1984 as a non-profit professional accounting association in London, UK. It was formally registered in Amman on February 24, 1994 under the name “The Arab Society of Certified Accountants”.

It aims at advancing the profession of accounting, auditing and other related disciplines at the global level. IASCA also aims at maintaining the professional independence of accountants and their protection, as well as the application of professional supervisory measures as a way to elevate the professions of accounting and auditing.