Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International –Riyadh Office Holds a Workshop on "E- Applications on Zakat and Income"
29 Mar 2014
RIYADH --- March 29, 2014 --- The Zakat and Taxes Department at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International (TAGI)/ Riyadh Office has recently organized a workshop on e-applications for the e-portal.
Finance managers, accountants and experts in Zakat and taxes from enterprises and business sectors participated in the workshop. The main topics addressed in the venue concentrated on the latest developments in the field of Zakat and taxes and to brief the participants on the requirements to submit Zakat and taxes.
Moreover, a practical presentation was delivered on the available online applications for tax and zakat payers. Moreover, an explanation for the affiliation mechanism of the companies with the legal accountant to submit tax and zakat services was also presented.
Holding this workshop comes in conformity with TAGI’s mission to promote and enhance professional awareness amongst accountants, clients and business sectors. It’s one of the workshops which TAGI offices decided to hold in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al Khobar which target professional issues such as accounting, Zakat, financial consultations among others.
The participants expressed their satisfaction and appreciation to the information they acquired as it enhanced their understanding of the new developments in the sector.