Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge and Wealth Creation Center Launched

26 Mar 2014

Our goal is to contribute in building a knowledge-based economy – Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh

AMMAN --- March 26, 2014 --- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) announced the launch of a new center called Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge and Wealth Creation Center (TAG-Creation) which aims at providing support to innovators and entrepreneurs and to grant the opportunity to protect and market their inventions or linking them with investors and financing entities.

The Center will work on assisting companies that seek to expand in the Arab world through market studies, identifying partners and the potential entities to acquire licenses, franchises and any other required documents to facilitate technology transfer using the accumulated expertise of TAG-Org and its offices in 80 countries worldwide.

In this regard, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, TAG-Org chairman stated that the main objective that we are seeking to achieve through this Center is to contribute in building knowledge-based economy by establishing links between the creative intellects and businessmen and investors, providing them with a platform that enables interaction between the needs of the economy and the creative ideas.

We believe that the principles and theories of wealth creation are closely connected with the concept of connectivity that’s why TAG-Creation is contributing to the competitive capacities through knowledge and its impact on the economy by assisting inventors to protect and market their inventions and products, and at the same time, assisting companies, agents, suppliers and franchise and license holders at the local and regional level.

The Center contributes in facilitating technology transfer through licenses and franchise and helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expand their business by allocating commercial partners, representatives and .., and provides investors with the latest technologies to contribute to develop Arab industries.

Other objectives are represented in providing investors and entrepreneurs with the necessary professional services and provide consultancy in terms of their creative products and services and to encourage cooperation between stakeholders in the region, and prepare the best means to develop and market technology.

TAG-Creation Center will be connected and cooperate with Arab and international organizations such as ESCWA-Center, AMITY, IBI in Singapore and a number of business incubators and university research centers in the Arab countries.

For more information:  www.tagcreation.com