Abu-Ghazaleh Addresses the 16th International Conference on Technology Learning and Training 'Online EDUCA Berlin'
15 Dec 2010
GAID Chairman discusses Learning for All in the Digital Age
BERLIN --- December 15, 2010 --- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), chairman of UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) addressed the 16th International Conference on Technology Learning and Training “Online EDUCA Berlin”, organized by the International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions (ICWE) at the InterContinental Hotel in Berlin.
The three-day venue, an international hub for exchanging ideas and experiences on ICT supported education and training, attracted more than 2000 participants from a record number of nearly 100 countries, making it the most comprehensive annual meeting place for technology-supported learning and training professionals.
Speaking at the opening plenary session, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh delivered a speech on “Learning for All in the Digital Age” through which he tackled the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) eNabler’s concept and components.
The notion of the MDG eNabler was proposed by GAID Chairman Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh as a potential driver to advancing the achievements of MDGs.
“ICT is the true enabler that can accelerate achievement of MDGs, with this in mind, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon endorsed the MDG eNabler to advance these goals,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed that education is one of the eight MDGs.
In addition, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh highlighted the steps of merging GAID’s "Education for All in the Digital Age” initiative with UNESCO’s "For All Program."
“Such joint Global Action Program aims to better achieve the MDGs through ICT integration and innovation in education system for 2010-2015,” he added.
Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh shed light on the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh School of Business (TAGSB), a digital university founding by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, a premier higher education institution with rigorous academic programs in business offering the latest knowledge and technical skills that are required in today’s global economy.
“The digital campus at TAGSB supports integrated access to e-learning material and resources including lectures, readings, audiovisual, demonstration, practice, distance teaching and other learning methods,” he said.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also underlined the significance of the 2011 Learning Innovation Arabia (LIA) Conference; the first international conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training in the Arab world.
Other topics included the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) and its role in building, maintaining and consolidating sustainable region Pan-Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated to e-Science and education in the Arab countries; Learning VS Teaching: a Digital Age Panacea.
“Our current educational systems were good for the past; therefore, we need to invent those for the future. So, instead if using our eyes to look for different senses we should have new eyes that can see new senses,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded.
Under the banner of "Learning for All", the conference addressed the core issues of e-learning in the corporate, public and academic sector with strong focuses on impact, results and change.