Ki-Moon Inaugurates GAID Meetings in New York
19 Sep 2007Abu-Ghazaleh presents a proposal for establishing a Community of Expertise (CoE)
NEW YORK --- September 19, 2007--- The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon inaugurates on Wednesday the meetings of the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) Board.
In the meetings, the Board will review its activities and achievements since the establishment of the Alliance in June 2006 addressing a number of initiatives including "Communities of Expertise (CoE)" initiative.
Attending the meetings are Crag Barrett, Intel Corporation Chairman and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and CEO of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGorg) as well as other co-chairs including: ECOSOC President, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Secretary General, UN USG for Economic and Social Affairs, Head of Swiss Development Agency, Malaysian Minister of Science and Technology, International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General and Eriksson CEO, among others.
In the meetings, Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh will present to the Board a proposal for establishing a Community of Expertise (CoE) specialized in Information and Communication Technologies "ICTs in Education" administered by TAGorg as the lead organization.
The objective of this CoE is to create a community of practice to permit educators, public authorities, NGOs, academics and other stakeholders to identify the potentials of using ICTs in improving education systems and best practices of ICTs in Education.
The next Board meeting will be held in Kuala Lumpur May 2008 concurrently with the World ICT week.