TAG-Knowledge Tackles Corporate Social Responsibility at “Youth Towards Change” Conference

17 Feb 2010  

Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh was keen on creating a one place for the future leaders of this country, a place where they can interact, achieve and succeed and we believe TAG-Knowledge is 'the' place – Mr. Hammad

AMMAN -------February 17, 2010-------- The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-Knowledge) which was established to support the Arab youth community in building their professional capacities took part in the “Youth Towards Change” Conference held at Philadelphia University.

The event held under HE Ms. Laila Sharaf, member of the Upper House focused on voluntary work and its relation with education with several organizations presenting their views and activities.

TAG-Knowledge Executive Director Mr. Tareq Hammad stressed in his presentation on the importance of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

"In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, CSR is becoming more and more of a necessity rather than a luxury," he said.

"The CSR stems from the fact that being part of an extraordinary society requires extraordinary effort that will lift the base of the society into another stronger and better level," he added.TAG-Knowledge Tackles Corporate Social Responsibility at “Youth Towards Change” Conference

As a case study, Mr. Hammad tackled the work done by the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) represented by its Chairman and CEO Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh who invested in many projects to help the society through his CSR.

Mr. Hammad gave a briefing on the work of TAG-Knowledge which is considered by many as a "second home for students" who visit its headquarters and enjoy a host of services including capacity building courses, training, internet access among others.

"Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh was keen on creating a one place for the future leaders of this country, a place where they can interact, achieve and succeed and we believe TAG-Knowledge is 'the' place," he said.

TAG-Knowledge is the latest initiative by Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh to perform its CSR towards the Jordanian and Arab communities, and to be a hub for promoting intellect and knowledge, developing Arab youth and human resources, and qualifying the largest number of local professionals by providing them with competitive skills through exposure to knowledge and development in the international community under the direct supervision of TAG-Org experts.
