Bahraini Parliament Chairman Congratulates Abu- Ghazaleh on Receiving the Most Influential Arab in ICT Title

04 Feb 2010

Al Dhahrani presents the Parliament’s Shield to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh in recognition of his achievements, and emphasized that the Parliament will offer all possible support to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and his Organization

MANAMA----- February 4, 2010------ Bahraini Parliament Chairman HE Khalifa Bin Ahmed Al Dhahrani, received in his office at the Bahraini Parliament Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and Chair of Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN-GAID).

Bahraini Parliament Chairman welcomed Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, praising his achievements at the Arab and international levels and congratulating him on obtaining the title of the most influential Arab in ICT, which is a title "we are all proud of."

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh thanked his Excellency for his kind reception and hospitality, and pointed out that his role comes from the sense of responsibility that is imposed on us to cope with the accelerated international developments, emphasizing the importance of information and communication technologies for the Arab economic and social development and for the improvement of health and education levels.

Many economic issues that are of interest to both parties have been discussed. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh praised the various investment advantages offered by Bahrain to foreign and regional companies wishing to headquarter in Bahrain in terms of the legal, tax and other procedures, which makes the Kingdom of Bahrain a distinctive investment environment. Therefore, TAG-Org made a strategic decision to relocate its regional departments to the Kingdom of Bahrain.

His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Khaled Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the chairman of the Advisory Board of the Electronic City of his Majesty King Hamad Bin Issa Al-Khalifa attended the meeting, where he stressed on the agreement signed with TAG-Org regarding managing the operations of the e-city . Also, a number of parliament deputies and a delegation from the Organization attended the meeting.

At the conclusion of the meeting, HE Parliament Chairman presented the Parliament’s Shield to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh in recognition of his achievements, and emphasized that the Parliament will offer all possible support to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and his Organization.