ASIP Signs a Cooperation Agreement with ROLP
13 Dec 2009To train, educate, and develop the skills of court administrators and chiefs of diwan
Amman, Jordan – 13 December 2009 – The Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP) signed today a cooperation agreement on areas of judicial training with the USAID-funded Rule of Law Project (ROLP).
The agreement was signed by Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, ASIP’s Chairman of the board of Directors and Mr. Walter Kuencer, the Chief of the ROLP in a special ceremony held at the Talal Abu -Ghazaleh College of Business/the German Jordan University in Amman.
Prior to the signing of the Agreement, the two parties exchanged views on expanding cooperation between USAID and Talal Abu- Ghazaleh Organization in the various fields of training, capacity building and judicial systems, not only in Jordan but in Palestine and other Arab countries where there is a greater need for advancing the judicial and court systems, especially in the field of intellectual property litigation.
Under the Agreement, ASIP will help to train, educate, and develop the skills of court administrators and chiefs of diwan at Jordanian courts by developing training materials and lesson plans to implement the curriculum which was developed by ROLP expert consultants. This foundational level training is the first of three level training plans, which will provide the trainees with practical skills and knowledge in the area of court administration, and will increase their capabilities to perform their jobs.
ROLP selected ASIP on basis of its inclusive technical bid submitted along with several training service providers in a public competition.
The training program will consist of seven training courses with a total of 21 units. The seven courses are: the purposes and roles of courts, establishing credibility and building relationships, principles of case-flow management, data and information for decision making, principles of management, human resource basics, and executive planning.
This ROLP aims at training about 30 court administrators and chiefs of diwan (Court Clerk Offices) in the Jordanian courts representing all governorates of Jordan.
ASIP trainers will develop tests and evaluations for the program and the participants, conduct them as necessary, provide ROLP with final scores and evaluations, and provide the trainees who successfully complete the training with certificates.
The Rule of Law Program is a USAID funded project that commenced its activities in December of 2008 to continue implementation of the USAID assistance program extended to the Jordanian Ministry of Justice (MOJ). The Rule of Law Project initiated several upgrade efforts that focused on the following key components: court automation, capacity building of both the Ministry and the Judicial Institute of Jordan (JIJ), process reengineering of key judicial departments and some enhancement of administrative court procedures.