Family Business Governance Center Launched in Jordan

08 Apr 2013

More than 85% of businesses around the world are family businesses with 35% among the top 500 global companies and they contribute around 70% of the global GDP- Mr. Luay Abu-Ghazaleh

AMMAN----April 8, 2013------- The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum hosted the launch of the Family Business Governance Center (FBGC), a nonprofit company dedicated to promoting the continuity and sustainability of family businesses in the international economies.

The FBGC, headquartered in the Jordanian capital, is the work of a group of family business owners headed by Mr. Luay Abu-Ghazaleh who share a host of qualities and aspirations for a better future for the next generation of business leaders.

"The Center is open to all families to learn from each other as well as from expert resources," he added.

According to Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh, family businesses are considered the central hub for investments and private sector business in the world.

"More than 85% of businesses around the world are family businesses with 35% among the top 500 global companies and they contribute around 70% of the global GDP," he said.

The Center will be presenting several activities tailored to the needs of family businesses such as: organizing workshops, seminars and conferences, preparing specialized researches and studies on family business, providing family firms with the latest expert knowledge available on successful family business development and management techniques and forming regional and international study groups and committees in addition to others.

Currently, the FBGC Board of Directors consists of Mr. Luay Abu-Ghazaleh, Dr. Amjad Aryan, Mr. Khaled Al Masri, Mr. Osama Imseeh, Mr. Karim Kawar, Ms. Taima Khoury and Mr. Ghassan Nuqul.