TAG-Org Launches Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Collocations Dictionary

06 Dec 2012

Collocations are indeed commonly used words so interlinked that they convey together an accurate and beautiful meaning. Learning collocations will give the users immediate powers of expressions in Arabic and will further attach his ties with his native tongue as part of “linguistic empowerment- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

AMMAN----December 6, 2012------Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) has issued the Collocations Dictionary, the sixth in a series of dictionaries launched and published by the group.

The book is prefaced by a word from TAG-Org’s Chairman, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, who said the dictionary has come to “unveil the richness of our vivid language, Arabic.”

He gave examples of some Arabic collocations that raise the curious question of why such combinations of words insist on coming together to give new meanings.

He said:"Collocations are indeed commonly used words so interlinked that they convey together an accurate and beautiful meaning. Learning collocations will give the users immediate powers of expressions in Arabic and will further attach his ties with his native tongue as part of “linguistic empowerment”.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh believes that the Arabic library is rich with dictionaries that are unfortunately general.

"It is high time that we embark on specialized dictionaries that allow the various businesses in accounting, law, Intellectual Property, information and communication technology to discover the newly emerged English words that spring up every day. English has had a prominent position among world languages but “my belief” is that such dictionaries will help in raising professional awareness, personal refurbishment and “efficiency building," he added.

He stated:"The fact that our organization works on building efficiency is but one of the missions that have been upheld and promoted by us. For all of those reasons, we have taken upon ourselves for almost two decades so far to publish English-Arabic specialized dictionaries covering a variety of fields."

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded by stressing the need for English-Arabic dictionaries that enhance efficiency and ease professionals.

"There is also a need for Arabic lexicons to promote our linguistic competence as it comes to interlinking between English and Arabic. We are in need for such perception of our Arabic language as well”, he pointed out.

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