Al-Azhar University Delegation Visits TAG-Org Office in Gaza

19 Apr 2009

The 2009 scholarship is the third to be granted by Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh; the first was in 2001 and it included 1000 Palestinian accountants in Gaza and the West Bank. It was later renewed in 2007- El Nazer

GAZA --- April 19, 2009 --- A delegation comprised of twenty students from the Faculty of Economy and Administrative Sciences at Al-Azhar University has recently visited the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) office in Gaza Strip.
During the visit, the students met with Mr. Zuhair El Nazer, the Arab Society of Certified Accountants (ASCA) representative and TAG-Org Gaza office manager, who provided them with an extensive explanation of TAG-the Organization’s services and activities on a regional level.
Underscoring TAG-Org’s training and qualification activities, El Nazer said, “After the latest Israeli assault on Gaza, Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, TAG-Org chairman and CEO, decided to grant students and accountants from the Gaza Strip a full scholarship to enroll in the Arab Certified Public Accountant (ACPA) program and become certified accountants.”
“The 2009 scholarship is the third to be granted by Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh; the first was in 2001 and it included 1000 Palestinian accountants in Gaza and the West Bank. It was later renewed in 2007,” he added.
According to El Nazer, 400 accounting students have registered for the ACPA scholarship so far.
El Nazer shed light on the cooperation agreement between Al-Azhar University and ASCA which is in effect since 1995 for training and qualifying students, “the University is an accredited center, and it will host the ACPA courses and exams this year.
At the end of the visit, the delegation handed over a certificate of appreciation to Mr. El Nazer. The students also received copies of ASCA guide, ASCA and Resalatuna magazines and a list of scholarly and professional publications issued by the Organization.