Abu-Ghazaleh Tackles Innovative Thinking at Yarmouk University
14 May 2012
We need to move from university campuses to cyberspace- Abu-Ghazaleh
IRBID----May 14, 2012----- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) tackled Innovative Thinking in a lecture at the Yarmouk University attended by the University President Prof Abdullah Al Mousa, deans, professors, and students.
Abu-Ghazaleh called on youth to work to become knowledge workers through the use of information technology to build new projects and inventions for the benefit of their society and country.
"All the recent inventions had a positive impact on the way we live and the way we see the future. Knowledge is the essential to build wealth and the youths are the ones who are able to do it."
He added:"There is no excuse whatsoever for not becoming knowledge workers which is the wealth of the future."
According to Abu-Ghazaleh:" We need to move from university campuses to cyberspace and take lessons from the success of global projects such as Google and Yahoo and other amazing inventions in the technological world."
"We are entering a completely new world and the next world which depends on knowledge is approaching extremely fast that is why my message is to call for knowledge creativity and explain the importance of knowledge in making the future. We need to have a change to our culture and how we raise our children because there will be time for them to lead the change," he said.
The lecture was organized by Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies and Community Service at the Yarmouk University and the Arab Society of Certified Accountants (ASCA).