Abu-Ghazaleh’s Scholarship for ACPA Attracts Hundreds of Accountants in Gaza

17 Feb 2009
According to the scholarship, any accountant or accounting graduate from Gaza Strip has the right to register in ASCA to attain the ACPA certificate and Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh, ASCA president, will bear all the expenses including the registration, exams and curricula fees- El Nazer

GAZA --- February 15, 2009 --- The Arab Society for Certified Accountants (ASCA) announced that the registration process for graduates of accounting and business faculties as well as the accountants in Gaza who wish to benefit from the scholarship of Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh to become certified accountants is underway.

Mr. Zuhair El Nazer, ASCA representative and the manager of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International office in Gaza said that this scholarship will qualify the registrants to obtain the Arab Certified Public Accountant (ACPA) certificate issued by the Society and the University of Cambridge International Examinations.

“The number of registrants has reached 400 within one week, and the number is expected to increase since many institutions and universities nominated their employees and graduates to benefit from this scholarship,” Mr. El Nazer added.

Other procedures will be coordinated with the Palestinian Accountants and Auditors Society.

“According to the scholarship, any accountant or accounting graduate from Gaza Strip has the right to register in ASCA to attain the ACPA certificate and Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh, ASCA president, will bear all the expenses including the registration, exams and curricula fees,” he elaborated.

The 2009 ACPA scholarship is the third to be launched by Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh; the first was in 2001 and it included 1000 Palestinian accountants in Gaza and West Bank. It was later renewed in 2007.