TAGI Ramallah Ranks First in the Digital Arabic Content Competition
12 Nov 2008 This achievment comes in the context of TAG-Org objectives for encouraging creative persons and providing multi-technology solutions for the Arab society at reasonable costs- MilhemRAMALLAH -Novemeber 11, 2008, Engineer Abdul Karim Ka’abneh ,an IT engineer at Talal Abu Ghazaleh & Co. International (TAGI), Ramallah Office, ranked first in the Digital Arabic Content competition organized by the Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI) in cooperation with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).
The results of the Digital Arabic Content competition was announced by PICTI on the margin of its participation at Expotech 2008.
Engineer Hassan Omar, Manager of Operations and Information Technology at PICTI, announced that the “Arabic Optical Character Recognition System” as the winning project which was presented by Engineer Abdul Karim Ka’abneh and his partner Mohammed Muleihat working at Mobile Information Services (MobIS).
“PICTI will adopt the project for nearly one year in order to to develop and distribute it to markets according to the competitive standards and prices,” Omar said.
The competition aims at enriching the Arabic digital content due to its significance in supporting economy and providing job opportunities to thousands of graduates.
Mr. Jamal Milhem, TAGI Executive Director in Ramallah, expressed his satisfaction with Ka’abneh’s achievement.
“This achievment comes in the context of TAG-Org objectives for encouraging creative persons and providing multi-technology solutions for the Arab society at reasonable costs,” he said.
Mr. Milhem referred to the programs presented last month by the Organization at GITEX exhibition in Dubai, including “TAG Encyclopedia” which is the first Arab e-encyclopedia.